To export your session to your Apple Watch, you need iOS 17 or higher.
You must have previously completed the steps to "sync Apple Health."
Once this is done, you can follow the steps below:
On Kiprun Pacer:
- On the session of the day, click on the three small dots "export" or click on the session and then "export."
- The first time, authorize the export of the session (dialog box).
- Choose whether to include the paces or not, then click "export."
On the Apple Watch:
Make sure your Apple Watch is close to your phone and paired.
- Open the app menu.
- Open the "workout" app.
- The Kiprun Pacer session should appear at the top in purple.
If not, here are a few tips before contacting support:
- Check that the exported session is assigned to today's date (a session scheduled for tomorrow and not moved but exported will only be visible on your watch tomorrow).
- Verify that your Apple Watch is paired and connected to the internet.
- Check in the "watch" app on your iPhone that Kiprun Pacer is authorized (connected apps).